Hydraulic & Lubrication System Failure Analysis,

Stop! Premature Pump, Motor, Valve, & Actuator Failure.

What do we know to be ‘The Greatest Threat to reliability of a Fluid Power or Lubrication System :- i.e.?



What causes failure of an otherwise

healthy fluid system (apart from excessive heat)?


Microfine Contaminants, super sharp and as hard as any component/material in the system, circulating and re-circulating around that system, Flowing between the working surfaces of critical components! Causing wear and degradation of critical components. Threatening the system from within!

Ferrous!…. Steel & Iron… From…Manufacturing, Brake in, and General Wear & Tear

Effectively bits of the system itself… killing the system,

The proposition is a simple one!

1, Remove the worst threat to a system ‘ABSOLUTELY!!!’

2, In ‘Strategic locations’ in the system that deliver the most benefit

3, Where it can have a massive impact on the ‘health’, ‘life’ and the ‘reliability’ of the system.

4, And thus positively effect Customer Experience, Brand Confidence and ultimately Warranty!

Simply “Stop the Chain Reaction of Wear” From the outset !

And prevent the damage to and the generation of wear metals, from critical system components, such as the softer sacrificial metals… Such as… Aluminium, Bronze, Copper, Brass, & White metal.


Our fluid industry has become obsessed with conventional Sieve filtration as being the only solution, & this has…

Not changed for 80 + years!

Only now! do we have the technology available to address this remaining problem!

As our industry moves to :-

1, Higher working pressures (5000 & 6000 psi >)

2, & Higher fluid velocities

3, & Closer working tolerances

4, Optimised system designs, rather than over engineered systems.

The need to resolve these historic issues becomes even greater…


The particle contaminant size is not important…

What its made of… and the threat it poses to our systems is!

Stop the chain Reaction of Wear”or Suffer the Consequences!’