STOP HYDRAULIC FAILURES – BEFORE THEY START, Pump & System protection from the very start!

“ 82% of machine wear & subsequent system failure is particle Induced ”

The Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

Replacing or repairing critical hydraulic components does not address the root of the problem!  It is also essential that you also REMOVE THE CAUSE of component wear and equipment failure  

Until now, the removal of the most damaging contaminants in hydraulic systems has not been been an easy task. 

According to R. Errichello and J. Muller, featured in the Practicing Oil Analysis publication…

”Standard filters do not remove particles of debris generated by abrasive wear. These microscopic wear debris initiated damage starting in the first 30 minutes of run-in and significantly decreased component service life” 

Magnom PumpMate 2 inch _MG_5732

MAGNOM’s ‘Patented Technology’ is the first filter/separator technology capable of removing the smallest, hardest, most dangerous contaminants in your hydraulic systems…the sub-micron sized particles of ferrous metal…. PRE-PUMP, thus protecting the entire system.

The PumpMate from MAGNOMTM, puts this innovative technology on the suction side of your hydraulic system, where it can provide protection to the most critical component in your system..the Hydraulic Pump.

The PumpMate is typically a ‘FIT & FORGET’ proposition, often lasting the life of the system, without requiring replacement.

e.g A 2″ PumpMate can hold up-to 1/2 Lb of damaging contamination, without restricting flow, i.e. without incurring a pressure differential, and has been tested and approved by Bosch Rexroth for fitment Pre-Pump, please see independent P/D test and evaluation here…

For Bosch Rexroth evaluation and use, please click these links…

Magnom PumpMate, now used by OEM’s world wide!

PumpMate & Suction Strainer